Index of all elements
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- addNoise
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::addNoise()
Adds noise to the image
- allocateColor
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::allocateColor()
Allocate a color by RGB values.
- allocateColorAlpha
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::allocateColorAlpha()
Allocates a color and returns its index
- alphaBlending
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::alphaBlending()
Sets alpha blending mode via imagealphablending()
- applyConvolution
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::applyConvolution()
Applies convolution matrix with imageconvolution()
- applyFilter
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::applyFilter()
Applies a filter
- applyMask
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::applyMask()
Returns an image with applied mask
- asGrayscale
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::asGrayscale()
Returns a grayscale copy of the image
- asNegative
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::asNegative()
Returns a negative of the image
- asPalette
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::asPalette()
Returns a palette copy (8bit) of the image
- asPalette
- in file PaletteImage.php, method WideImage_PaletteImage::asPalette()
- asPalette
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::asPalette()
- assertValidImageHandle
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::assertValidImageHandle()
Throws exception if the handle isn't a valid GD resource
- asString
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::asString()
Returns binary string with image data in format specified by $format
- asTrueColor
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::asTrueColor()
- asTrueColor
- in file PaletteImage.php, method WideImage_PaletteImage::asTrueColor()
- asTrueColor
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::asTrueColor()
Returns a true-color copy of the image
- autoCrop
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::autoCrop()
Performs an auto-crop on the image
- AddNoise.php
- procedural page AddNoise.php
- ApplyConvolution.php
- procedural page ApplyConvolution.php
- ApplyFilter.php
- procedural page ApplyFilter.php
- ApplyMask.php
- procedural page ApplyMask.php
- AsGrayscale.php
- procedural page AsGrayscale.php
- AsNegative.php
- procedural page AsNegative.php
- AutoCrop.php
- procedural page AutoCrop.php
- $cache
- in file OperationFactory.php, variable WideImage_OperationFactory::$cache
- $canvas
- in file Image.php, variable WideImage_Image::$canvas
Canvas object
- $color
- in file TTF.php, variable WideImage_Font_TTF::$color
- $color
- in file GDF.php, variable WideImage_Font_GDF::$color
- $color
- in file PS.php, variable WideImage_Font_PS::$color
- $coord_align
- in file Coordinate.php, variable WideImage_Coordinate::$coord_align
- $coord_numeric
- in file Coordinate.php, variable WideImage_Coordinate::$coord_numeric
- $customMappers
- in file MapperFactory.php, variable WideImage_MapperFactory::$customMappers
- Canvas.php
- procedural page Canvas.php
- checkGD
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::checkGD()
Checks whether the gd library is loaded, and throws an exception otherwise
- colorNoise_fun
- in file AddNoise.php, method WideImage_Operation_AddNoise::colorNoise_fun()
Adds color noise by altering given R,G,B values using specififed amount
- Coordinate.php
- procedural page Coordinate.php
- copy
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::copy()
Returns a copy of the image object
- copyAsNew
- in file PaletteImage.php, method WideImage_PaletteImage::copyAsNew()
Returns a copy of the image
- copyNoAlpha
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::copyNoAlpha()
- copyNoAlpha
- in file PaletteImage.php, method WideImage_PaletteImage::copyNoAlpha()
- copyNoAlpha
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::copyNoAlpha()
Returns an image without an alpha channel
- copyTo
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::copyTo()
Copies this image onto another image
- copyTransparencyFrom
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::copyTransparencyFrom()
Copies transparency information from $sourceImage. Optionally fills the image with the transparent color at (0, 0).
- correctGamma
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::correctGamma()
Corrects gamma on the image
- create
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::create()
Factory method that creates a true-color image object
- create
- in file PaletteImage.php, method WideImage_PaletteImage::create()
Create a palette image
- createPaletteImage
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::createPaletteImage()
Factory method for creating a palette image
- createTrueColorImage
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::createTrueColorImage()
Factory method for creating a true-color image
- crop
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::crop()
Returns a cropped rectangular portion of the image
- CopyChannelsPalette.php
- procedural page CopyChannelsPalette.php
- CopyChannelsTrueColor.php
- procedural page CopyChannelsTrueColor.php
- CorrectGamma.php
- procedural page CorrectGamma.php
- Crop.php
- procedural page Crop.php
- evaluate
- in file Coordinate.php, method WideImage_Coordinate::evaluate()
Evaluates the $coord relatively to $dim
- Exception.php
- procedural page Exception.php
- execute
- in file Merge.php, method WideImage_Operation_Merge::execute()
Returns a merged image
- execute
- in file GetMask.php, method WideImage_Operation_GetMask::execute()
Returns a mask
- execute
- in file Flip.php, method WideImage_Operation_Flip::execute()
Returns a flipped image
- execute
- in file Mirror.php, method WideImage_Operation_Mirror::execute()
Returns a mirrored image
- execute
- in file Resize.php, method WideImage_Operation_Resize::execute()
Returns a resized image
- execute
- in file Unsharp.php, method WideImage_Operation_Unsharp::execute()
Returns sharpened image
- execute
- in file RoundCorners.php, method WideImage_Operation_RoundCorners::execute()
- execute
- in file Rotate.php, method WideImage_Operation_Rotate::execute()
Returns rotated image
- execute
- in file ResizeCanvas.php, method WideImage_Operation_ResizeCanvas::execute()
Returns an image with a resized canvas
- execute
- in file Crop.php, method WideImage_Operation_Crop::execute()
Returns a cropped image
- execute
- in file AsGrayscale.php, method WideImage_Operation_AsGrayscale::execute()
Returns a greyscale copy of an image
- execute
- in file ApplyMask.php, method WideImage_Operation_ApplyMask::execute()
Applies a mask on the copy of source image
- execute
- in file ApplyFilter.php, method WideImage_Operation_ApplyFilter::execute()
Executes imagefilter
- execute
- in file ApplyConvolution.php, method WideImage_Operation_ApplyConvolution::execute()
Executes imageconvolution() filter
- execute
- in file AsNegative.php, method WideImage_Operation_AsNegative::execute()
Returns a greyscale copy of an image
- execute
- in file AutoCrop.php, method WideImage_Operation_AutoCrop::execute()
Executes the auto-crop operation on the $img
- execute
- in file CopyChannelsTrueColor.php, method WideImage_Operation_CopyChannelsTrueColor::execute()
Returns an image with only specified channels copied
- execute
- in file AddNoise.php, method WideImage_Operation_AddNoise::execute()
Returns image with noise added
- execute
- in file CopyChannelsPalette.php, method WideImage_Operation_CopyChannelsPalette::execute()
Returns an image with only specified channels copied
- execute
- in file CorrectGamma.php, method WideImage_Operation_CorrectGamma::execute()
Executes imagegammacorrect()
- extractExtension
- in file MapperFactory.php, method WideImage_MapperFactory::extractExtension()
- GDF.php
- procedural page GDF.php
- get
- in file OperationFactory.php, method WideImage_OperationFactory::get()
- getCanvas
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getCanvas()
Returns the canvas object
- getChannels
- in file PaletteImage.php, method WideImage_PaletteImage::getChannels()
- getChannels
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getChannels()
Retrieve an image with selected channels
- getChannels
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::getChannels()
- getClosestColor
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getClosestColor()
Returns closest color index that matches the given RGB value. Uses PHP's imagecolorclosest()
- getClosestColorAlpha
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::getClosestColorAlpha()
Returns the index of the color that best match the given color components
- getColorAt
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getColorAt()
Returns an index of the color at $x, $y
- getColorRGB
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getColorRGB()
Returns a color's RGB
- getCustomMappers
- in file MapperFactory.php, method WideImage_MapperFactory::getCustomMappers()
- getExactColor
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getExactColor()
Returns the color index that exactly matches the given RGB value. Uses PHP's imagecolorexact()
- getExactColorAlpha
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::getExactColorAlpha()
Returns the index of the color that exactly match the given color components
- getHandle
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getHandle()
Returns the GD image resource
- getHeight
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getHeight()
- getMask
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getMask()
Returns the image's mask
- getOperation
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getOperation()
Used internally to create Operation objects
- getRGBAt
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getRGBAt()
Returns a RGBA array for pixel at $x, $y
- getTransparentColor
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getTransparentColor()
- getTransparentColorRGB
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getTransparentColorRGB()
Returns a RGB array of the transparent color or null if none.
- getWidth
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::getWidth()
- GD.php
- procedural page GD.php
- GD2.php
- procedural page GD2.php
- GIF.php
- procedural page GIF.php
- GetMask.php
- procedural page GetMask.php
- $image
- in file Canvas.php, variable WideImage_Canvas::$image
- Image.php
- procedural page Image.php
- imagebmp
- in file BMP.php, method WideImage_vendor_de77_BMP::imagebmp()
- imagecreatefrombmp
- in file BMP.php, method WideImage_vendor_de77_BMP::imagecreatefrombmp()
- imagecreatefromstring
- in file TGA.php, method WideImage_vendor_de77_TGA::imagecreatefromstring()
- imagecreatefromstring
- in file BMP.php, method WideImage_vendor_de77_BMP::imagecreatefromstring()
- imagecreatefromtga
- in file TGA.php, method WideImage_vendor_de77_TGA::imagecreatefromtga()
- isTransparent
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::isTransparent()
- isTrueColor
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::isTrueColor()
- isTrueColor
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::isTrueColor()
Returns true if the image is true-color, false otherwise
- isTrueColor
- in file PaletteImage.php, method WideImage_PaletteImage::isTrueColor()
- isValid
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::isValid()
- isValidImageHandle
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::isValidImageHandle()
Check whether the given handle is a valid GD resource
- load
- in file BMP.php, method WideImage_Mapper_BMP::load()
- load
- in file TGA.php, method WideImage_Mapper_TGA::load()
- load
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::load()
Loads an image from a file, URL, HTML input file field, binary string, or a valid image handle.
- load
- in file JPEG.php, method WideImage_Mapper_JPEG::load()
- load
- in file PNG.php, method WideImage_Mapper_PNG::load()
- load
- in file GIF.php, method WideImage_Mapper_GIF::load()
- load
- in file GD.php, method WideImage_Mapper_GD::load()
- load
- in file GD2.php, method WideImage_Mapper_GD2::load()
- loadFromFile
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::loadFromFile()
Create and load an image from a file or URL. The image format is auto-detected.
- loadFromHandle
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::loadFromHandle()
Create and load an image from an image handle.
- loadFromString
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::loadFromString()
Create and load an image from a string. Format is auto-detected.
- loadFromString
- in file BMP.php, method WideImage_Mapper_BMP::loadFromString()
- loadFromString
- in file TGA.php, method WideImage_Mapper_TGA::loadFromString()
- loadFromUpload
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::loadFromUpload()
This method loads a file from the $_FILES array. The image format is auto-detected.
- Resize.php
- procedural page Resize.php
- ResizeCanvas.php
- procedural page ResizeCanvas.php
- Rotate.php
- procedural page Rotate.php
- RoundCorners.php
- procedural page RoundCorners.php
- registerCustomMapper
- in file WideImage.php, method WideImage::registerCustomMapper()
Registers a custom mapper for image loading and saving
- registerMapper
- in file MapperFactory.php, method WideImage_MapperFactory::registerMapper()
- releaseHandle
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::releaseHandle()
Releases the handle
- resize
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::resize()
Resize the image to given dimensions.
- resizeCanvas
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::resizeCanvas()
Resizes the canvas of the image, but doesn't scale the content of the image
- resizeDown
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::resizeDown()
Same as WideImage_Image::resize(), but the image is only applied if it is larger then the given dimensions.
- resizeUp
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::resizeUp()
Same as WideImage_Image::resize(), but the image is only applied if it is smaller then the given dimensions.
- rle_decode
- in file TGA.php, method WideImage_vendor_de77_TGA::rle_decode()
- rotate
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::rotate()
Rotate the image for angle $angle clockwise.
- roundCorners
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::roundCorners()
Returns an image with round corners
- $sdata
- in file Image.php, variable WideImage_Image::$sdata
- $size
- in file PS.php, variable WideImage_Font_PS::$size
- $size
- in file TTF.php, variable WideImage_Font_TTF::$size
- saltPepperNoise_fun
- in file AddNoise.php, method WideImage_Operation_AddNoise::saltPepperNoise_fun()
Adds salt&pepper noise by altering given R,G,B values using specififed amount
- save
- in file JPEG.php, method WideImage_Mapper_JPEG::save()
- save
- in file TGA.php, method WideImage_Mapper_TGA::save()
- save
- in file PNG.php, method WideImage_Mapper_PNG::save()
- save
- in file GD2.php, method WideImage_Mapper_GD2::save()
- save
- in file GD.php, method WideImage_Mapper_GD::save()
- save
- in file BMP.php, method WideImage_Mapper_BMP::save()
- save
- in file GIF.php, method WideImage_Mapper_GIF::save()
- saveAlpha
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::saveAlpha()
Toggle if alpha channel should be saved with the image via imagesavealpha()
- saveToFile
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::saveToFile()
Saves an image to a file
- selectMapper
- in file MapperFactory.php, method WideImage_MapperFactory::selectMapper()
Returns a mapper, based on the $uri and $format
- setColorAt
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::setColorAt()
Set the color index $color to a pixel at $x, $y
- setFont
- in file Canvas.php, method WideImage_Canvas::setFont()
Sets the active font. Can be an instance of WideImage_Font_TTF, WideImage_Font_PS, or WideImage_Font_GDF.
- setRGBAt
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::setRGBAt()
Writes a pixel at the designated coordinates
- setTransparentColor
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::setTransparentColor()
Sets the current transparent color index. Only makes sense for palette images (8-bit).
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_ALL
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_LEFT
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_RIGHT
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_TOP
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_TOP_LEFT
- in file WideImage.php, class constant WideImage::SIDE_TOP_RIGHT
- WideImage
- in file WideImage.php, class WideImage
The gateway class for loading images and core library functions
- WideImage.php
- procedural page WideImage.php
- WideImage_Canvas
- in file Canvas.php, class WideImage_Canvas
- WideImage_Coordinate
- in file Coordinate.php, class WideImage_Coordinate
A utility class for smart coordinates
- WideImage_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class WideImage_Exception
Base Exception class
- WideImage_Font_GDF
- in file GDF.php, class WideImage_Font_GDF
GDF font support class
- WideImage_Font_PS
- in file PS.php, class WideImage_Font_PS
PS font support class
- WideImage_Font_TTF
- in file TTF.php, class WideImage_Font_TTF
TTF font support class
- WideImage_GDFunctionResultException
- in file WideImage.php, class WideImage_GDFunctionResultException
- WideImage_Image
- in file Image.php, class WideImage_Image
Base class for images
- WideImage_InvalidCanvasMethodException
- in file Canvas.php, class WideImage_InvalidCanvasMethodException
- WideImage_InvalidCoordinateException
- in file Coordinate.php, class WideImage_InvalidCoordinateException
- WideImage_InvalidFontFileException
- in file Canvas.php, class WideImage_InvalidFontFileException
- WideImage_InvalidImageDimensionException
- in file Image.php, class WideImage_InvalidImageDimensionException
Thrown when an invalid dimension is passed for some operations
- WideImage_InvalidImageHandleException
- in file WideImage.php, class WideImage_InvalidImageHandleException
- WideImage_InvalidImageSourceException
- in file WideImage.php, class WideImage_InvalidImageSourceException
- WideImage_MapperFactory
- in file MapperFactory.php, class WideImage_MapperFactory
Mapper factory
- WideImage_Mapper_BMP
- in file BMP.php, class WideImage_Mapper_BMP
Mapper support for BMP
- WideImage_Mapper_GD
- in file GD.php, class WideImage_Mapper_GD
Mapper class for GD files
- WideImage_Mapper_GD2
- in file GD2.php, class WideImage_Mapper_GD2
Mapper class for GD2 files
- WideImage_Mapper_GIF
- in file GIF.php, class WideImage_Mapper_GIF
Mapper class for GIF files
- WideImage_Mapper_JPEG
- in file JPEG.php, class WideImage_Mapper_JPEG
Mapper class for JPEG files
- WideImage_Mapper_PNG
- in file PNG.php, class WideImage_Mapper_PNG
Mapper class for PNG files
- WideImage_Mapper_TGA
- in file TGA.php, class WideImage_Mapper_TGA
Mapper support for TGA
- WideImage_NoFontException
- in file Canvas.php, class WideImage_NoFontException
- WideImage_OperationFactory
- in file OperationFactory.php, class WideImage_OperationFactory
Operation factory
- WideImage_Operation_AddNoise
- in file AddNoise.php, class WideImage_Operation_AddNoise
Noise filter
- WideImage_Operation_ApplyConvolution
- in file ApplyConvolution.php, class WideImage_Operation_ApplyConvolution
ApplyConvolution operation class
- WideImage_Operation_ApplyFilter
- in file ApplyFilter.php, class WideImage_Operation_ApplyFilter
ApplyFilter operation class
- WideImage_Operation_ApplyMask
- in file ApplyMask.php, class WideImage_Operation_ApplyMask
ApplyMask operation class
- WideImage_Operation_AsGrayscale
- in file AsGrayscale.php, class WideImage_Operation_AsGrayscale
AsGrayscale operation class
- WideImage_Operation_AsNegative
- in file AsNegative.php, class WideImage_Operation_AsNegative
AsNegative operation class
- WideImage_Operation_AutoCrop
- in file AutoCrop.php, class WideImage_Operation_AutoCrop
AutoCrop operation
- WideImage_Operation_CopyChannelsPalette
- in file CopyChannelsPalette.php, class WideImage_Operation_CopyChannelsPalette
CopyChannelsPalette operation class
- WideImage_Operation_CopyChannelsTrueColor
- in file CopyChannelsTrueColor.php, class WideImage_Operation_CopyChannelsTrueColor
CopyChannelsTrueColor operation class
- WideImage_Operation_CorrectGamma
- in file CorrectGamma.php, class WideImage_Operation_CorrectGamma
CorrectGamma operation class
- WideImage_Operation_Crop
- in file Crop.php, class WideImage_Operation_Crop
Crop operation class
- WideImage_Operation_Flip
- in file Flip.php, class WideImage_Operation_Flip
Flip operation class
- WideImage_Operation_GetMask
- in file GetMask.php, class WideImage_Operation_GetMask
GetMask operation class
- WideImage_Operation_InvalidFitMethodException
- in file Resize.php, class WideImage_Operation_InvalidFitMethodException
An Exception for when an invalid fit method is passed
- WideImage_Operation_InvalidResizeDimensionException
- in file Resize.php, class WideImage_Operation_InvalidResizeDimensionException
An Exception for when an invalid resize dimensions are passed
- WideImage_Operation_Merge
- in file Merge.php, class WideImage_Operation_Merge
Merge operation class
- WideImage_Operation_Mirror
- in file Mirror.php, class WideImage_Operation_Mirror
Mirror operation class
- WideImage_Operation_Resize
- in file Resize.php, class WideImage_Operation_Resize
Resize operation class
- WideImage_Operation_ResizeCanvas
- in file ResizeCanvas.php, class WideImage_Operation_ResizeCanvas
ResizeCanvas operation class
- WideImage_Operation_Rotate
- in file Rotate.php, class WideImage_Operation_Rotate
Rotate operation class
- WideImage_Operation_RoundCorners
- in file RoundCorners.php, class WideImage_Operation_RoundCorners
ApplyMask operation class
- WideImage_Operation_Unsharp
- in file Unsharp.php, class WideImage_Operation_Unsharp
Unsharp filter
- WideImage_PaletteImage
- in file PaletteImage.php, class WideImage_PaletteImage
- WideImage_TrueColorImage
- in file TrueColorImage.php, class WideImage_TrueColorImage
A class for truecolor image objects
- WideImage_UnknownErrorWhileMappingException
- in file Image.php, class WideImage_UnknownErrorWhileMappingException
Thrown when an image can't be saved (returns false by the mapper)
- WideImage_UnknownImageOperationException
- in file OperationFactory.php, class WideImage_UnknownImageOperationException
- WideImage_UnsupportedFormatException
- in file MapperFactory.php, class WideImage_UnsupportedFormatException
Thrown when image format isn't supported
- WideImage_vendor_de77_BMP
- in file BMP.php, class WideImage_vendor_de77_BMP
External code for BMP
- WideImage_vendor_de77_TGA
- in file TGA.php, class WideImage_vendor_de77_TGA
External code for TGA
- writeHeader
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::writeHeader()
Output a header to browser.
- writeText
- in file Canvas.php, method WideImage_Canvas::writeText()
Write text on the image at specified position
- writeText
- in file GDF.php, method WideImage_Font_GDF::writeText()
- writeText
- in file PS.php, method WideImage_Font_PS::writeText()
- writeText
- in file TTF.php, method WideImage_Font_TTF::writeText()
Writes text onto an image
- __call
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::__call()
Used internally to execute operations
- __call
- in file Canvas.php, method WideImage_Canvas::__call()
A magic method that allows you to call any PHP function that starts with "image".
- __construct
- in file Canvas.php, method WideImage_Canvas::__construct()
Creates a canvas object that writes to the image passed as a parameter
- __construct
- in file TTF.php, method WideImage_Font_TTF::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::__construct()
The base class constructor
- __construct
- in file GDF.php, method WideImage_Font_GDF::__construct()
- __construct
- in file TrueColorImage.php, method WideImage_TrueColorImage::__construct()
Creates the object
- __construct
- in file PS.php, method WideImage_Font_PS::__construct()
- __destruct
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::__destruct()
- __destruct
- in file PS.php, method WideImage_Font_PS::__destruct()
- __sleep
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::__sleep()
Returns an array of serializable protected variables. Called automatically upon serialize().
- __toString
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::__toString()
Returns an image in GIF or PNG format
- __wakeup
- in file Image.php, method WideImage_Image::__wakeup()
Restores an image from serialization. Called automatically upon unserialize().